Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hospital/Moscow/Day 3

Cubicle 1704/Infectious Diseases Hospital/ Moscow/ Day 3

What happened to me? – Honestly, we do not know… we couldn’t detect anything in your blood or in your stomach. You took strong medicine on the plane... it is our guess the Malaria and Giardia parasite that were detected in Tanzania made you feel very ill; your body was not prepared to handle those two together, on top of that, the parasite along with the strong medicine obviously made you real sick… the Malaria only makes people sick after it goes untreated for a time but in your situation, it behaved differently due to the intestinal infection you got, anti-malaria pills you have been taking, and your weak immune system: you are 44, and you live in the cold and never used your immune system in the tropical climate… am I seriously sick? – You ARE and you are NOT, the doctor said. Great, I thought to myself... Lord, what do you have to say about that? I am still very weak and burning in my face, legs, and feet? What is going on with me, Lord?


Anonymous said...

Bwana asifiwe! Igor, your ministry in Tanzania hurt the enemy. You fought on the frontline, sir. Get well quick and lets serve Him more. Our God is reliable! - Charles

Anonymous said...

Игорь, Божьих благословений тебе! Слава Богу за тебя и за твою жизнь! Мне выпала честь помочь тебе в трудную минуту. - Илья