Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hospital/Moscow/Day 8

Cubicle 1705/Infectious Diseases Hospital/ Moscow/ Day 8

To tell you the truth, I am very happy that no one can be told what the Kingdom of God is. Every person has to see the King and the Kingdom for him/herself. Everyone needs to come and taste how good the Lord is for himself! It is a serious decision to come see the King in person and let Him free oneself up from the system of this world. A human who knows or feels that something is wrong with the system, can’t tell exactly what it is, but knows that it is there will be able to make the decision. It is this feeling that will bring the person to the Lord. There should be a question like a splinter there in that person’s mind, driving him/her mad: What is this system all about? Can the system tell me who I am? If not, who can? Who am I? All these questions have nothing to do with you becoming religious but FREE from the system of the corrupted world we live in. Being free from the system enables a person to bring spirituality to material people. I strongly believe that only free spirits are given the power to perform miracles and bring the light into the dark.


Anonymous said...

Слава Богу Гоша за тебя!Выздоравливай скорее!!! Мы еще зажжжжжем!!!! - Серега

Anonymous said...

Igor, God has given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions! Nothing will harm you, in Jesus’ Name!!!! - Charles