Thursday, December 19, 2013


Dear Mission Partners,

About 30 recovering addicts attended our Productive Bible Study Seminar here in Gerber, California. The associate pastor Sergio Maltsev opened the meeting with a welcome speech for our team. He said that they have been praying about this course for some time and have always known Igor and Olga Prokopyev as servants who did not exalt themselves, but Jesus Christ and the Word! To me it was the greatest compliment, that the ministry and the preaching had exalted Christ. This is our goal and a true measure of any ministry's success!

I asked Eddie Carmichael to share his testimony. Then I preached the Word, taught on how we dig deep into the Word of God, did some training with the rehab occupants, prayed for them and then asked them to pray a prayer of blessing over the ministry which they had received with great joy! It was indeed a full package and Level 1 Seminar was delivered with making a very careful observation of the truths, interpretation as the participants asked the Lord about the meaning of the truths He had spoken to them from the Word, and application of the truths in their personal lives as the Spirit would reveal unto them! It was a huge blessing to each and every participant to hear the voice of God and meditate on His Word! Pictures can be found on my Facebook wall at prokopyev!

It is very exciting to realize that Jesus was faithful and you stood with us in your finances! As a result, more than 30 people went thru the training this last week. Thank you for standing with us! I pray The Lord would bless you richly and give you a harvest in your own life as well in Jesus name.

Yours in Jesus,

Igor Prokopyev
ICM, Team Equip International
Together with Dan Finfrock, Lewis Smyth & the Team

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Dear Co-laborer in Christ!

Olga and I give praises to our Lord and Savior Jesus for what He has done in and through the ministry in the month of May!

We THANK YOU all, our dearest friends and partners for your support you have sent our way this month!

We witnessed hundreds of saints respond in faith to the teaching of the Inductive Bible Study in Russia. It is our great joy to see the team: Sergey Raspopov, Garrick Kurginyan, Avenir Kalinkin, Andre Sorokin, Konstantine Rogov, etc. traveling and teaching the saints in churches on how to hear the Word of God, understand it and apply the Truth in their personal lives.

The impact is best described by emails and pictures recently sent to us from the team members… (some pictures are posted on my FB wall, some are still coming….)

From: Sergey and Karina Raspopov
Subject: ICM Workshop in Kargopol, Russia

Dear Igor and Olga,
Greetings to you! Once again we would like to thank you for coming over to our church to minister and equip us to do the Inductive Bible Study Seminars in Russian churches. Surely, we are reaping from the fruit of the training program you put together in Severodvinsk in the month of October. Karina and I went to Kargopol to teach the Inductive Bible Study Workshop this last week. We covered 520 km to get to the Word of God Church of Kargopol! The seminar was a success! The participants were so hungry for the Word, the pastor said that the church with that kind of name was honored to host this life-changing course! I will email or facebook you the pictures from the seminar we did in Severodvinsk and Kargopol as soon as I can. Please let us know what God is doing in the States! Thanks again and may the Lord bless you and Olga mightily! – Sergey and Karina Raspopov

From: Nelly Borisova and Avenir Kalinkin
Subject: Serving orphans and street children in Cherepovets, Kadnikov, Krivets, and Suda

Dearest Igor and Olya,
Greetings to you, our dearest friends! We are writing to let you know that our hearts are full, our cups are overflowing with joy when we see what God is doing in the ministry here in Russia. All the services we did at the Shelter and orphanages this month were pure success! God opened the doors for us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the children and teachers in all the orphanages we as a team support. No opposition this month! None! Amazing!!!!! We wish you were here to see the kids and teachers being so receptive, respectful and tender in how they treat and communicate with us… they just enjoyed every minute we spent together!

God richly blessed our team, He gave us unity, mutual understanding, love and respect towards each other! Like you alway say: We believe in teamwork!!!! We believe and we work as a team. Mike Suvorov worked with Avenir Kalinkin like WOW! Habiba, this little ex-muslim girl, Valentina Shashkina and I worked as a team to communicate the Love of God to the less fortunate in the orphanages! We wish you could see the kids' smiling eyes… they got filled with joy and happiness….

One more thing, the Lord has given Avenir boldness to teach the Word in the orphanages, he would do it the way you trained him to teach at church! This is HUGE! We are witnessing a miracle of God… Jesus is opening doors wide open for us to come in and advance the Kingdom in the community and village orphanages! Thank you guys for sending your prayerful and financial support! We do appreciate you as our leaders and partners in the ministry!

With God's grace and power, this is the fruit of our mutual effort when we pray for one another, serve, preach, teach and build bigger people for the Kingdom throughout the world TOGETHER! THANK YOU ALL FOR GIVING TO THE LORD!!!!!!

If you are not a partner with us, why don't you consider becoming one today? Facebook us or visit, so that we can help you get involved. Do not hesitate to make a one time financial gift, or a monthly committment to participate. The Apostle Paul said, «How shall they believe in Him (Jesus) of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?» Help send us today!!!!! We are booked to teach in the state of Virginia in June and Nevada in July and California in August. Please pray for us!!!!!! Thank you very much!

In His service,
Igor and Olga Prokopyev

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


MINDEN, NV. USA. On April 12-13, with the help of our Father in Heaven and the cooperation of our missionary Nate Houlmiere, I  travelled to Nevada to serve the Lord and His people at High Sierra Fellowship in the small town of Minden. Initiated and organized by Nate Houlmiere, a local minister the Inductive Bible Study Workshop proved to be very fruitful among core people of this local church. Nate once said, «Most people in America have very little knowledge about how to study the Word of God inductively for themselves, so let our teachings be seasoned with salt!»

In a time, when in Russia, you can come and preach the Word of God at secular orphanages, homeless shelters, elementary, primary schools, and various places of higher education, it is just the opposite in America: secular schools and all sides of the society are increasingly rejecting expressions of Christianity. In a time like this,  we need to become committed and serious about going around in Jesus' name preaching the Word, making disciples of Jesus Christ, and equipping people for the work of ministry; freely it is given to us, freely we will be giving it away…

On this particular trip, I was able to meet the saints at High Sierra Fellowship and bless them with the Inductive Course introduction and do some discipling with Bro. Gary White and Bro. Nate Houlmiere who are still learning how to conduct the Inductive Bible Study Workshops.

SEVERODVINSK and ARCHANGELSK, RUSSIA. Through the initiative of our ministry partners Pastors Victor Elizarov, Konstantine Rogov and senior minister Sergey Raspopov, ICM of Russia was  able to further our vision for making disciples and conduct Inductive Bible Study Workshops in the towns of Severodvinsk and Archangelsk, Russia. In both places it was clear from the response that many baptized and non-baptized people alike were inspired to abide in the Word of God, believe the promises of God, and follow Christ in the church. Minister Sergey Paspopov wrote afterwords, saying: «I feel like the Lord is encouraging me to be more bold with our ministries, especially in training the saints and equipping Christian people with the Inductive Course all around Russia». Konstantin said, "Attendance at both places was good and the response of those attending was very positive! The fruit of this ministry remains, continues, and multiplies! For that, we praise the Lord!"

CHEREPOVETS, RUSSIA. Avenir [Abner] Kalinkin and Andre Sorokin were able to travel to Moscow to buy new desks for the Light of Hope Shelter for street children. Also, Abner continues to do inductive Bible studies both at the Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets and the Light of Hope Shelter! Nelly, Tatyana and Olga continue to prepare street kids for life by teaching hygiene, Christian crafts, culinary classes, etc. They have been able to share the love of Christ with many orphans this month by doing our Birthday Celebration Project! It went just fabulous!!!!! Kids got the Word, the Blessing, and a Birthday gift!!!



Friday, March 29, 2013


Dear Co-laborer in Christ!

John 4:35, 36(a): «Do you not say, there are yet four months, and then comes the harvest? Behold I say to you, LIft up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal…»

Procrastination and nearsightedness are detrimental to Christ's mission for the church. Tomorrow always seems better than today, and those living around us seem to do just fine without God and Church…

God's perspective is different than ours! Constantly we need to stay in touch with the Spirit to find and act on His perspective. We see Christ on the Cross, but Christ saw the world from the Cross… in darkness, sin, and a slave to the devil. Jesus has risen from the dead to give us His resurrection power so that we may go in His name and destroy the powers of darkness!

Once after preaching at the Light of Hope Shelter, one of the moms came up to me to talk… she said to me, You know that our kids came to the Shelter because they were desparate… you know that we are from Uzbekistan and we have been muslims all our lives. Now I am a Christian. Tell me something, Igor. I was young but now I am old. Why has it taken so long before I got to know the Truth about Jesus Christ?» All I said to her that day: «It is not for us to know the dates and seasons. God perfectly know what and when and how He is going to do that» She wept in God's presence. That moment I heard God asking me: «Are you willing to lift up your eyes to see those who are waiting and wanting to hear the Truth and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?»

Dearest friends, are we ready to do something about it? Here are some OPPORTUNITIES to help someone to come to Christ and get to know Him in a very personal way:

Every month our ministry team takes an awesome care of the street and less fortunate children at our LIGHT OF HOPE SHELTER. New kids from the streets are coming and getting help at the Shelter. You can see their faces at my Facebook wall, just go to and type Igor Prokopyev and here you are at our page where we post recent pictures of the children and ministers who serve them wholeheartily.

We as a ministry train and equip the saints for the work of ministry on a regular basis. This month Olga and I are doing some training in Carson Valley, Nevada. Sergey Raspopov did an Inductive Course in Severodvinsk, Russia Konstantin Rogov did an IBS (Level One) in Archangelsk, Russia. Avenir Kalinkin is doing a book study in Cherepovets. He is teaching through 1Corinthians in the power of the Holy Spirit. Andre is also doing a book study in Anisimovo, Russia. He is going trough the Gospel of Mark. Garrick Kurginyan is focusing on the leadership, equipping them with the Inductive tools and training them to feed the flock on the Word of God! The guy's wives are the great help to them!!!!! For that, Olga and I praise the Lord!!!! You can see the pictures of the guys on my Facebook wall as well!

For this next harvest of souls in the month of April, can I ask you to pray and place your financial support behind it? Please HELP by giving  your best love-gift even today!

Your servants in Christ,
Igor and Olga Prokopyev     

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Dear Friends, Family, and Partners:

All glory to God in the Highest! Our Productive Bible Study Seminar we did at BFA Church was a great success! From February 14-21 I was in Virginia as part of Revelation Meets Intellect Conference focused on training Christians how to study the Scriptures inductively: verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book. The conference was organized by Beauty for Ashes Ministries, Newport News, VA.

Practical teaching was given with topics ranging from «How to Study Different Genres in the Bible» to «How to Break the Bread of Life in Small Bite-Size Pieces» and «How to Observe, Interpret and Apply the Truth in the Everyday Life». Different books of the Bible were opened, notes were taken and 3 written assignments were accomplished as students were gathering nuggets of Truth and Bible study experience from the seasoned speaker :)

I started the seminar with the Book of Nehemiah 8:1-12. The Holy Spirit emphasized on how people of God were hungry for the Word of God and asked Ezra to bring the Word, which the Lord had given to them. The Lord was speaking to us in vs.5,6 about how we as people of God ought to respond as we hear the voice of God. The main emphasis though was that when Ezra and other ministers read from the book they explained the Word, or interpreted the Word to give the sense, so that people could understand the reading and apply it in their everyday life. (vs. 7,8) And in verse 9 we see the result of it, people got convicted by God and were weeping and mourning. And in verse 12 we read: « All the people went away to eat, to drink, to send portions, and to celebrate a great festival because they understood the words which had been known to them». People had a ball because they understood their God! Our true source of joy today is not based on the authority given to us over Satan and the demons but upon the greater good which is the ability to hear, understand and apply God's Word in our lives! Hallelujah!!!

People are caught up in the New Age, the Occult, witchcraft, Animism, Atheism, Paganism, Socialism, Communism, fortune telling, drug, alcohol, tobacco addictions looking for answers and help, they become demonized. It may come as a surprise to some, but the ministry of deliverance continues today, sometimes quite dramatically. God's Word is mighty to save and deliver people from bondage! Jesus said: «You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!»

The only solution and source of healing for these people are not psychologists, mind-altering drugs or modern Christian Science but the power of God's Word, as you declare it in the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of the name of Jesus Christ. Listen to this: «My son, give attention to my WORDS; incline your ear to my SAYINGS. Do not let THEM depart from your sight; keep THEM in the midst of your heart! For THEY are LIFE to those who find them and HEALTH to all their body.» You and me, as Christians are called to carry on this ministry of deliverance and healing which is the ministry of Jesus!

Let me encourage you… the Lord has given you and me the power and authority over all the powers of the evil one. He said, «Nothing shall injure you». May the Lord help us to exercise this mighty gift wherever we go! Always remember He entrusted the Word to you to bring healing, deliverance and salvation to others!

Next, I will be traveling to Calvary Carson Valley, NV in the month of March. I will be serving and preaching the Word at the church both main service and afterward to the youth. Also, we are booked to teach PBS seminar (Level 2) there to equip the saint for the work of service. Please pray for ICM of Russia and me. Thank you for your financial support! Your sacrificial giving helps people find the Truth that sets them free! God bless you!