Serving Jesus in America, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Africa, India and to the ends of the Earth... this is a blog of our family life, ministry experiences, and thoughts relating to ministry Jesus called us in to... "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
IBS Seminar in Yosser
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Jesus Is a Reason For the Season!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Mom Went Home to be With the Lord...
Dear Friends and Partners,
As you may know my mother has been fighting cancer for a couple years now. I would like to thank those of you who have kept her in prayer and even helped financially at times. It has been a huge comfort and help.
It has been a long fight and the Lord has finally brought it to an end. Mom was taken to be with our Father in Heaven on Sunday the 15th at 11:30am. She passed away in her sleep, in peace and without pain. It was a strong testimony to see her joy and peace to the end. We were all together as a family the night before she died and she was in great mood, making jokes and smiling. Praise the Lord that He made it possible for my sister Olga to come visit and be with mom for a week before she passed.
At mom’s request, we buried her in Anisomovo, where Olga’s parents live, on Wednesday the 18th. This is a hard time for our family, especially dad, but we are filled with peace and joy to know that she is with her Lord and no longer in pain. Dad will be living in Anisomovo until it is possible to get him a visa to go to my sister Olga in
Friday, November 13, 2009
Teaching the Word at Good News Church

click here to see more pictures
First Light Of Hope Church Service
The excitement has been growing more and more over the past months as this day approached. We have been doing home studies and prayer groups for over a year now and have gathered together a good group of people. Everyone is hungry for the word and on fire, ready to spread the gospel and word around Cherepovets, Russia, and the ends of the earth.
The atmosphere of the service was great! We all felt like close friends and family, worshiping and praising the Lord. Abner taught from the last two verses of James, explaining that we need try to bring back our brothers who fall into sin, but not judge and misuse our authority. The word was uplifting, the worship was inspiring and the fellowship was close.
I thank all of you who support and pray for ICM Russia, allowing us to take part in this great work of God. Please join me in continued prayer for Light of Hope Church: that Abner would have the wisdom to lead the church, and that the word would work in the hearts of people to grow bigger and stronger Christians. Amen and God Bless!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Seminars in November: urgent request for support
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Our Prayer Needs
1.Permanent Residency for Nate
2.Financial Support
3.Wisdom to follow and listen to the Holy Spirit
4.My mom and dad as they go through tough times
5.The kids at the shelter – that they would receive and grow in the Word we are giving them
Praise Report
Friday, November 6, 2009
IBS Seminar in Vorkuta
I want to thank all of you who pray and support ICM-Russia! It is through your help and prayer that we are able to send people out teaching this life-changing and powerful course to different denominations in Russia and the former Soviet Union. It is through our partnership that we will be able to impact this world and do our part to build Christ’s church!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Helping the Shelter Reach Street Kids
Dearest Friends and Partners,
I would like to let you know that Andrey is taking another group of street kids on a camping trip. We have experience great success in reaching the hearts of the kids with the Word of God in the forest. We have found that as the kids get out of their usual habits and spend time in the woods they begin to really open up to the Gospel. We have done several camping trips this year and are now doing one with the older kids. This will be longer trip, more like a backpacking trip. In order to do this we, at ICM-Russia, decided to spend $400 to buy backpacks, sleeping mats, and a couple compasses. The kids will be leaving tomorrow on their camping trip. Friends, we want to thank you for your support which allowed us to help share the love of Jesus with these kids. We ask that you please keep the trip in prayer so that they would be safe on the road and the kids would be impacted by the Love and Word of God!
Andrey and I standing with our new camping equipment.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Mission Trip to Belozyersk

click here to see more pictures
Thank You Letter From Moscow
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
IBS Seminar in Tchaikovsky.
There is a huge need for this ministry in the church. Many people just read the Word and do not really meditate on it. However we need to listen to the Word because it is living and active. Thank the Lord for this seminar. I received many revelations during this seminar. I saw that I have many things lacking, and learned a lot. May God bless your team as you continue to serve the Him. - Brother Jura
Your ministry is very timely and huge help. I received many useful tools from this seminar. I hope to apply this very practical doctrine in leadership and in service. Praise the Lord for your work! - Grigory Abdulin
Intensive Care Ministries is a blessing and a very timely help. I learned how to search the Scriptures, get to know the Lord personally and grow closer to Him. We received the answers to several questions through this seminar. - Family of Nazmutdinovyh
The seminar was very understandable and clear. My understanding was deepened. This ministry brings new a encouragement and motivation to listen to the Word of God, and to do it. - Family of Satinyh.
I thank God for this service. Because of this seminar, I have learned how to successfully interpret the Bible. I learned that that by doing observation, interpretation, and application, I can comprehend the Word of God to its complete fullness, rather than simply reading. - Alexander Sazontov
I thank our Lord for the ICM seminar. Through it we are inspired, strengthened in our belief and simply blessed. I am very glad to have been able to participate in this seminar. - Brother Gleb
The depths and beauty of the sanctity of the Lord are opened to us by this seminar! I wish you successes and longevity in Christ! - Michael Mihajlov
Through this seminar the Scriptures became even closer, clearer to me. I have new understanding what it means, that Word is for us today. I have learned how important it is to look at the context and to dig deep into the text. - Alena, Tchaikovsky.