Monday, November 2, 2009

Helping the Shelter Reach Street Kids

Dearest Friends and Partners,

I would like to let you know that Andrey is taking another group of street kids on a camping trip. We have experience great success in reaching the hearts of the kids with the Word of God in the forest. We have found that as the kids get out of their usual habits and spend time in the woods they begin to really open up to the Gospel. We have done several camping trips this year and are now doing one with the older kids. This will be longer trip, more like a backpacking trip. In order to do this we, at ICM-Russia, decided to spend $400 to buy backpacks, sleeping mats, and a couple compasses. The kids will be leaving tomorrow on their camping trip. Friends, we want to thank you for your support which allowed us to help share the love of Jesus with these kids. We ask that you please keep the trip in prayer so that they would be safe on the road and the kids would be impacted by the Love and Word of God!

Andrey and I standing with our new camping equipment.


Anonymous said...

God bless you guys! You are sharing the love of Christ with those who need it so desperately. I am with you in prayer for these souls. You are salt and light in the dark places. Much love to you! Julie Lengacher, Tallahassee, Florida


thanks for the word of encouragement! when olga and I read your comment God set our hearts on fire again to continue in the ministry. please pray for us and support ICM-Russia as the Lord leads. Appreciate you and your friendship! Blessings, Igor and Olga