Friday, November 13, 2009

First Light Of Hope Church Service

I am very excited to say that we have finally been able to start a Light of Hope Church. Abner and the ICM Russia / Light of Hope team have been praying for a couple years now about starting a church and this last week we had our first service!

The excitement has been growing more and more over the past months as this day approached. We have been doing home studies and prayer groups for over a year now and have gathered together a good group of people. Everyone is hungry for the word and on fire, ready to spread the gospel and word around Cherepovets, Russia, and the ends of the earth.

I am excited because it is the first and only church in Cherepovets that will actually be teaching the Bible inductively.

The atmosphere of the service was great! We all felt like close friends and family, worshiping and praising the Lord. Abner taught from the last two verses of James, explaining that we need try to bring back our brothers who fall into sin, but not judge and misuse our authority. The word was uplifting, the worship was inspiring and the fellowship was close.
Abner asked me to start the book of Mark next week and I am excited! I know this will grow into a strong church, full of the Spirit, and firmly grounded in the Word. I look forward to watching the church grow and to growing alongside it as we become more and more united in the Body of Christ.

I thank all of you who support and pray for ICM Russia, allowing us to take part in this great work of God. Please join me in continued prayer for Light of Hope Church: that Abner would have the wisdom to lead the church, and that the word would work in the hearts of people to grow bigger and stronger Christians. Amen and God Bless!

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