Wednesday, October 7, 2009

IBS Seminar in Tchaikovsky.

Alex just got back from a successful seminar in Jesus Christ Church in a city called Tchaikovsky. Pastor Victor Baranov and around 100 people came and listened to the Word. The presence of the Lord was very strong as people showed sincere interest in the studying of the word. Many were inspired and renewed. Here is what some of their comments:

There is a huge need for this ministry in the church. Many people just read the Word and do not really meditate on it. However we need to listen to the Word because it is living and active. Thank the Lord for this seminar. I received many revelations during this seminar. I saw that I have many things lacking, and learned a lot. May God bless your team as you continue to serve the Him. - Brother Jura

Your ministry is very timely and huge help. I received many useful tools from this seminar. I hope to apply this very practical doctrine in leadership and in service. Praise the Lord for your work! - Grigory Abdulin

Intensive Care Ministries is a blessing and a very timely help. I learned how to search the Scriptures, get to know the Lord personally and grow closer to Him. We received the answers to several questions through this seminar. - Family of Nazmutdinovyh

The seminar was very understandable and clear. My understanding was deepened. This ministry brings new a encouragement and motivation to listen to the Word of God, and to do it. - Family of Satinyh.

I thank God for this service. Because of this seminar, I have learned how to successfully interpret the Bible. I learned that that by doing observation, interpretation, and application, I can comprehend the Word of God to its complete fullness, rather than simply reading. - Alexander Sazontov

I thank our Lord for the ICM seminar. Through it we are inspired, strengthened in our belief and simply blessed. I am very glad to have been able to participate in this seminar. - Brother Gleb

The depths and beauty of the sanctity of the Lord are opened to us by this seminar! I wish you successes and longevity in Christ! - Michael Mihajlov

Through this seminar the Scriptures became even closer, clearer to me. I have new understanding what it means, that Word is for us today. I have learned how important it is to look at the context and to dig deep into the text. - Alena, Tchaikovsky.

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