Saturday, January 29, 2011


Dear partners, friends, and family:

I am writing to let you know that Ternopol Bible Training Seminar is a go. Eugene Zharoff will be sent to administer an IBS seminar at Calvary Ternopol. Olga and I praise God for all the pastors who went though ICM training! They are doing a great job growing the Kingdom of God elsewhere! Eugene is one of them! He pastors Vineyard Church in the town of Kremenchug, Ukraine. For the last couple of years he was able to raise missionaries in his church who know how to teach an inductive Bible study course. Several years ago Alex and I had a privilege to come visit Eugene's church for the 4th Anniversary! We had a blast with the church there! Beautiful people, sweet fellowship, great Ukrainian food too!!!

During the course of many seminars that Olga and I have done, it becomes apparent that there is a spiritual battle raging in the train, bus, even the room where the seminar is being held, this upcoming seminar is no exception. Please pray the hedge of protection over Eugene as he travels to Ternopol and holds the training program there in the city. Sometimes during the first and second days of instruction, a weird thing takes place there; I can only describe it as a spiritual “veil”, between us and the attendees. We are literally speaking to them and it is as if they cannot hear us. For instance, this weird thing happened to me as I was teaching Bible Seminary students in Moscow. I looked at Nate and Sveta and they looked at me and we were completely perplexed, and frustrated, it was as if time stood still and people have become as the dead. I continued to teach because one of the goals of that seminar was to train Nate and Sveta to administer this life-changing course to all denominations and confessions in the former Soviet Union. A lot of people prayed for us and the attendees at that time. I decided to spend more time in prayer and we worshiped the Lord a bit longer before I would get to teach and preach the Word. The Lord was awesome in His Glory, He answered our prayers and gave us a huge breakthrough at the end of the second day of teaching! Hallelujah!

On several occasions though, it was so heavy, I have even considered packing up and going home, but that would be an easy way out; and we are not called to travel through the broad gate, are we?! The Lord called us to become more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! And as we struggle in our flesh, the Spirit leads, He shows us the way through the narrow gate and we pray and exercise our faith. I call my prayer partner Sveta Lukichova sometimes and tell her to send out a prayer requests and after some time, we pass through this trial and the enemy is defeated once again! Hallelujah! As partners in difficult times, we need to remember to pray for each other and to responsibly lead others through the gates of Glory by our Christ-like examples.

Olga and I would like to ask you to pray and support this upcoming event! We thank all of you who had been faithfully involved in our ministry and helping us continue running with the vision! We love you and pray that God would richly bless you in all you do in your lives!

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