Sunday, February 26, 2012


Pastor Vitaly
ICM Crew [Alexey, Svetta, and Nate] got back from a fruitful trip to Berezniki, Russia, last Sunday. They met the pastor from this church when Alexey and Nate were in Izhevsk. They came to a conference in the same church they were doing the seminar at and spent the night where they were staying. The church is only five years old and most of the members are ex-drug-addicts. Pastor Vitaly started the church by first starting a rehab center, and as the amount of believers grew, the church started.

Center: Asistant Pastor Mirad
The first night of seminar was packed! We were told to expect around sixty people, so the guys brought sixty-five manuals, but there were about seventy-five to eighty people. Afterwards the assistant pastor told them that they did not expect so many people because the response to their notice about the seminar was met with not very much interest. However, after hearing Alexey teach from Luke 6 they all got excited. They said that it seemed like the scripture was simple enough but where shocked by how much Alexey was able to get out of just using the simple method of Observing, Interpreting, and Applying the Scripture text. This is a testimony of the effectiveness of the Inductive Bible Study method!

As they fellowshipped with the people they were again reminded of the necessity in Russia for solid Bible teaching. The people are hungry for the word. Question after question revealed hearts belonging to people desperate for spiritual wisdom and unable to find those answers themselves. The constant storm of conflicting doctrines that flow through Russia has led them back into bondage of legalism and religion. We believe the Lord would have us set the people of Russia free by teaching them how to get the spiritual truth they so desire by simply studying God’s word.

Now our thoughts turn forward to March 8-10. The team will be doing a seminar in Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg. Please pray for open hearts, finances, safe travel, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit as we move on in the ministry.

Teaching at the rehab center.
Click here to see more pictures

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