While Olga and I are in America, Andrey and ICM Team started a new Bible study for teenagers that come to the Light of Hope Shelter. It is my great joy to share with you all about what God is doing in the ministry!

Three weeks ago Andrey and Olga as an overseer gathered the kids in the shelter for a Bible study and Nate participates in the project when he has time. ICM team is doing a great job with these kids! We have decided to take them through the book of Mark, but since three weeks ago was the week of Easter, Andrey did a lesson from Luke 24 about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The guys started with a fun game were the kids in two teams had a cake and had to eat their cake fast than the other team without the use of their hands. This was a lot of fun! Then Andrey broke the scripture into several small sections and assigned each section to one of the kids to read then to retell the verses in their own words. Then after going through the verse the kid's task was to do a collage that explained their different verses so that they could tell the story from beginning to end. Hey, we are extremely impressed with what the guys are doing with the kids! Our children don’t even realize as they are having a good time that they are learning the IBS method and growing in the word. I know that this Bible study is going to really affect the lives of these kids and that some will be won to the Lord. Among all the other things we do at the center, none of them really mean much if we do not teach the gospel and the Word. If we just feed these kids a warm meal, play games with them, and love them, they will not leave this place changed, and in the end they will be in the same place they were before. I believe that we need to use all good material things we do to allow these kids to trust and open up to us so that we can help them spiritually, in the end that is all that matters.

Three weeks ago Andrey and Olga as an overseer gathered the kids in the shelter for a Bible study and Nate participates in the project when he has time. ICM team is doing a great job with these kids! We have decided to take them through the book of Mark, but since three weeks ago was the week of Easter, Andrey did a lesson from Luke 24 about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The guys started with a fun game were the kids in two teams had a cake and had to eat their cake fast than the other team without the use of their hands. This was a lot of fun! Then Andrey broke the scripture into several small sections and assigned each section to one of the kids to read then to retell the verses in their own words. Then after going through the verse the kid's task was to do a collage that explained their different verses so that they could tell the story from beginning to end. Hey, we are extremely impressed with what the guys are doing with the kids! Our children don’t even realize as they are having a good time that they are learning the IBS method and growing in the word. I know that this Bible study is going to really affect the lives of these kids and that some will be won to the Lord. Among all the other things we do at the center, none of them really mean much if we do not teach the gospel and the Word. If we just feed these kids a warm meal, play games with them, and love them, they will not leave this place changed, and in the end they will be in the same place they were before. I believe that we need to use all good material things we do to allow these kids to trust and open up to us so that we can help them spiritually, in the end that is all that matters.

During this confusing time as teenagers it is crucial that we build relationships and use the Word to affect their hearts. Last week for one reason or another only three girls showed up. So they made a salad, everyone ate and went through the scriptures as Andrey said “like adults”. Nate said that he was impressed as he saw the way Andrey tactfully lead the kids through the Word and as he saw the girls receive, understand, and even expound on the Word themselves, he was really encouraged to learn from Andrey how to do that. Nate will continue to help Andrey in any way he can, and one day hope to take a more active role.

Last week Andrey took the kids to his mother’s apartment to help her clean up and did the Bible study there. Andrey’s mom has multiple scleroses and is no longer able to walk. This is really good for the kids to learn how to serve and help others, to learn how good it feels to help someone else, and for Andrey to share his life with these kids. Please keep these teenagers and this Bible study in prayer, that they would be saved in Jesus and that Andrey would continue to have the wisdom on how to lead the group. Also please keep Andrey and his mom in prayer, as her condition continues to get worse she will need more help, praise the Lord she is a believer, but this will become harder and harder on Andrey and his sister. I thank those of you who support ICM (Russia) and Light of Hope Shelter financially and in prayer. Your support is doing the work of the Lord here in Russia.

Last week Andrey took the kids to his mother’s apartment to help her clean up and did the Bible study there. Andrey’s mom has multiple scleroses and is no longer able to walk. This is really good for the kids to learn how to serve and help others, to learn how good it feels to help someone else, and for Andrey to share his life with these kids. Please keep these teenagers and this Bible study in prayer, that they would be saved in Jesus and that Andrey would continue to have the wisdom on how to lead the group. Also please keep Andrey and his mom in prayer, as her condition continues to get worse she will need more help, praise the Lord she is a believer, but this will become harder and harder on Andrey and his sister. I thank those of you who support ICM (Russia) and Light of Hope Shelter financially and in prayer. Your support is doing the work of the Lord here in Russia.
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