This past year Olga and I and all of us at ICM (Russia) have been praying and thinking about how we can help Heart to Heart Church plant the Light of Hope Shelter in Severodvinsk, Russia. The Lord called Olga and I and the team to expand the Kingdom of God elsewhere in the world! There is so much that could be done here in Russia, and of course almost everything we would like to do here requires that we could clearly communicate God’s vision to our ICM (Russia) friends and partners. Our desires are to build up the Church with the teaching of the Word, to teach Inductive Bible Study seminars, and to help orphans and less fortunate kids!
Before Olga and I left for America to hold church services and raise support we met with ICM (Russia) partners in Severodvinsk and discussed the steps involved with starting the Light of Hope Shelter there. I was blessed to see Pastor Victor, Konstantine and Andrey catch the vision and take the steps necessary to register the ministry with the local government. I cannot describe the blessing I receive in sharing the Word and the vision the Lord entrusted to Olga and I with missionaries and pastors.
Konstantine, the director of the shelter, Andrey, Zhanna and Lucy are now building relationships with the kids and helping in whatever way they can. The Lord laid it on my and Olga’s hearts to help this new ministry with a nice portable laptop and a printer. We would like to someday be able to help even more financially, but right now we are helping the guys to set up an office.
Konstantine and Andrey have already started gathering kids to do Bible studies and sports. They are still praying seeking the face of the Lord on how and what way exactly they will teach the Word because the kids are still kind of tough and not ready to open up. Konstantine, Andrey and all of us at ICM (Russia) are praying and asking for the leading of the Lord. We have decided that we will not be in a hurry, spending this time in prayer and the Word to build ourselves in faith, learn how to work with the youth, and wait for the Lord to show what He has in store for Severodvinsk. As Olga and I were reading a praise report the guys sent us a couple of days ago, and looking through the pictures we realized how richly God had blessed the ministry team with opportunities to reach the unprivileged youth with the Gospel in Severodvinsk, Russia.

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