Saturday, September 19, 2009

ICM Leaders Forum in Moscow

It was tough to get everyone together this year,but September 14th though the 16th we again held our Intensive Care Ministries leaders conference in Moscow. I always look forward to these conferences as we gather together with the ICM team from all over the world to share in the word and out common vision. This time we had Lewis and Adrian from Ireland with us to lead us in the word.

This year the topic was Being and Discipleing Good Leaders. Adrian and Lewis took us through the book Million Leaders Mandate by John C. Maxwell. I think that the book is a great book for today's church, with a message that we all as Christians need to take to heart. I believe all of us at on time or in one way or another will have to be leaders, and we need to learn how to lead and grow the next generation to lead and grow leaders of the generation after them. Basically, what the book teaches is discipleship. The main idea is to not just teach and feed people who just come to church sit and are not involved themselves. But to get people more involved in the work of hte Kingdom of God. Not to get more people into full time ministry but to get people actively involved in their own walk while helping and growing others in the their walks.

ICM is built up of pastors and teachers all over Russia and the Former Soviet Union that support us, pray for us, and even teaching seminars. Ty make up a very great team of amazing brothers and sisters with amazing hearts. Every one of them is passionate for the Lord. Together we are working to train and teach pastors and the church how to grow in the Word. It is our desire that through our combined efforts and help of the Holy Spirit we will grow a generation of pastors and leaders, who will be able then to train and teach the next generation, strengthening the church and spreading the gospel all over Russia. I believe this conference perfectly fits this vision and, if applied, is what is needed to reach this goal.

I thank all of you who have been praying for and supporting ICM, allowing us to serve in Russia. I am convinced that through your future efforts, our serving here with your support and prayer, we will be able to do great things for the Kingdom of God, bringing glory to the name of Jesus Christ. I ask that you continue to joins us in our ministry praying for and supporting me and the team. I look forward to what the Lord has planned for us.

From left to right: Victor, Igor, Anthony, Gor


Abner with his son Artem.

Peter and Mike


Olga and Olga

The group at lunch

Victor and Adrian

Sveta translating

click here to see more picutres

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