Friday, January 2, 2009

Hospital/Moscow/Day 12

Cubicle 1705/Infectious Diseases Hospital/ Moscow/ Day 12
Lord, I want my life to be sanctified and purified even more so! Please purify my heart! - Son, set your mind on something beautiful this very moment, set your eyes on what is excellent, do good that needs to be done this very moment, do it from your compassionate, kind, and gentle heart! That’s how I change your life and sanctify your heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Igor, I don't know if you're getting my messages. But I still want to write because I believe it makes a difference any way. I want you to know that the people at JVC have not forgotten about you and often ask questions about how you are. You are loved and esteemes by us and the team are looking forward to seeing you later in 2009. Keep your spirits up, though as you say in your blog you don't always feel the presence of God He IS with you as are we in spirit too. With MUCH BIG HUGHE LOVE. JVC