Friday, December 30, 2011


During the week of the 11 - 18 of December Svetta and Nate were able to do an Inductive Bible Study seminar in a nearby suburb of Cherepovets called Klimovskoye. Alexey’s wife Luba is from there and he organized the seminar. Sunday the eleventh, Svetta and Nate announced the seminar and preached the sermon. They taught from Acts 8 about Philip and Simon the Sorcerer. They held the seminar on their Wednesday evening Bible study and on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

The church is rather small. More than half the church came to the seminar, totaling 10 people. So far it was one of the best seminars they have taken part in. Usually, as they get into the word, people tend to have a hard time because of misunderstandings and false doctrines they have been taught. People especially start to argue when they go through Jude. But in this church there was little to no resistance. They were very receptive, not only to the IBS method, but also to the doctrines that are taught once you let they Bible speak for itself. They were greatly encouraged! At one point one of the men said that he had been asked to do a Bible study once, but he didn’t know how to do it, but next time he would be able to.

That is the reason we are doing these seminars. Our desire is not just to give people fish, but to teach them how to fish. I believe that as we continue to do this the Lord will grow His seeds. This will be the last seminar we do for the year of 2011. So far Alexey and Nate have been able to do three seminars together this year. They already have about three lined up for 2012 starting in February. They pray and hope to do a seminar every month.

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