Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Update on mom's illness...

Dear Friends,
I hope that this letter finds you doing well walking in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing this letter because, as you may know, my mom has been struggling with esophagus cancer for some time now. She has been going through radiation therapy, and now might have to do chemotherapy. And I do not know how many of you are familiar with the medical system here in Russia, but you would be amazed at how difficult it has been on mom and dad. My parents have had to travel to and from St. Petersburg many times, to do tests, wait, mom has had stay in the hospital for several months, and it so hard on them. The Russian medical system promises free health care for only the most basic of needs, but patience must pay for effective medicines and operations. They are not able to pay for all the traveling, tests, medicines, treatments, and stays in the hospital on their meager pensions, and they have only been able to get this far with help from Olga and I. Some Russian churches responded with small love gifts recently, my missionary friend Nate is now renting a space in my parent’s apartment for a little money but still it is not enough... we anticipate the family’s medical expenses to be well beyond these available means. Since medical treatment in Russia is largely dependent upon the ability to pay in advance, the Prokopyevs will require immediate assistance for their hospital expenses. I would ask that those of you who know mom and have been touched by her service and hospitality through the years would be willing to help my parents financially in this time of trial. You may send donations to the Prokopyevs/Medical needs, ICM, PO Box 109, Mentone, CA 92359. Thank you so very much!

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