Monday, October 27, 2008

Bible Study Seminars in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 In these days of uncertainty and difficulties, it is so good to know that we worship the One who is on the throne. He is our refuge, hope and joy. He is the King of kings!

It was a great trip that was filled with all kinds of thoughts, emotions, ideas. etc. In some ways, the country reminded me a lot of Russia. The Soviet influence is obvious in the buildings, stores, language, etc. In other ways, the country is much different than Russia. One striking difference is that most of the people are Asian. It was strange to hear Asians speaking Russian. The need for the preaching of the gospel and for Bible teaching churches is huge! I have never been in a country with so little Christian presence. This is definitely a country that is dominated by Islam. And at the same time it was great to see 60 people coming over to church every night to be equipped and trained!They were so hungry for the Word! You should see how some of the participants were changed by the Spirit of God as they were digging deep in to the Word and had found amazing Grace that was able to change their hearts! Pastor Jed said to us: "Dear Igor and Alex, thank you so much for coming and sharing the prophetic Word with us! I truly believe that this will be remembered as a pivotal time in the church here in Kyrgyzstan. Gods people has been empowered, emboldened, and given the tools to study His Word! Fruit is already evident! Much thanks to your wonderful wives and we look forward to them joining you on your next trip here. God bless you, and your donors who help you travel all over the world! By His grace, Jed Gourley"
I was blessed to see what the Lord is doing at Calvary Chapel Bishkek. It is awesome to see people of Kyrgyzstan hungry for the Word od God! The missionary team was a blessing to meet and fellowship with. We pray for the Lord to send laborers into Kyrgyzstan and all of Central Asia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Been here in Bishkek for 3 months. Would love to fellowship with you and I want to buy a Russian Bible to share God's Word with others. 0777 1965 82