Tuesday, June 5, 2007

LEARN about our VALUES

  • Values are like glue. They hold our ministry together.
  • Values are like a ruler. They set the standard for a team's performance.
  • Values are like compass. They give direction and guidance.
  • Values are like magnet. They attract like-minded people.
  • Values provide identity. They define and identify the team.

It always helpful when I reinforce values to explain who we are and what we believe in as a ministry. Therefore I decided to articulate the following values:

1. Personal growth. It is the responsibility of each individual to grow personally, but it is the leader's responsibility to help facilitate that process. I understand that I can grow the ministry only as much as I grow my people.

2. Making a significant contribution. I believe every person ought to do something that he or she truly believes in making the difference.

3. Living and working with passion. I do not know about you, but I want everyone around me to love what they do as much as I do! I have no desire to motivate people I work with and to get them passionate about life. I would rather beg them to find another job or ministry.

4. Commitment to excellence. I believe each of us should set the bar higher for ourselves than anybody else will.

5. Team leadership. The only way to build a successful ministry is to develop a great team around us.

6. Living a life of integrity. Without this, everything else is meaningless.


Lewis Smyth said...

People are always MORE MOVED by what THEY HAVE discovered than by what others have found. As I read your ministry values I realized I was reading what I have often witnessed acted out in your ministry. In your values statement are housed the mechanics of personal revelation. (revelation can only be revelation when it's your revelation) God has designed each of us to find Him by ourselves and you guys have. I am blessed to have seen your continually determination to do all that God has asked of you. You love for the King is evident to all who know you. I am privileged to have friends such as yourselves.

Your friend

Lewis Smyth

Senior Pastor
Jordan Victory Church
N. Ireland


Thank you, bro. for the word of encouragement! Our souls are refreshed and renewed! Olga and I are thanking the Lord for bringing you into our lives - we are honored to be your friends!