Dearest Friends, Family, and Loved Ones,
Thank you all for your prayers and continued support, thank you for caring for ICM (Russia)! We love you and appreciate you all a LOT!

This month of March has been very busy for us both in Russia and America. The first part of the month Alex Alexandroff had the opportunity to go visit the the Salt of the World Church that started the rehab center in the city of Saratov, Russia. Alex had to travel for about three days to get there. He has been with ICM (Russia) more than 14 years and traveling to remote areas all over the former Soviet Union and is doing a great job teaching the Truth of God wherever the need and hunger is. Alex and other ICM (Russia) team members have had many opportunities to teach and preach at the churches, rehabs, and seminaries throughout Russia.

I always encourage each and every minister to be ready at all times whenever we visit a church with the Productive Bible Study Program. People here in Russia are very hungry and excited to hear from God and are not shy to ask us to pray over them after seminars. The roads up to the rehab were extremely bumpy, it is always much fun traveling bumpy roads because no matter what kind of car you are traveling, it is going to be your gut-shaking car anyways!!! Alex was also able to visit a pig farm that really helps rehab occupants get their meat. One of the top things on Alex's list to do while there in Saratov was to equip rehab occupants and leaders with a technique and know-how to study and teach the Word of God verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, and book-by-book, so that people could get to know the whole purpose of God to be set free from alcohol and drug addiction!
Another big thing and huge blessing this month, is that Victor Elizaroff and Konstantin Rogov, ICM (Russia) partners were able to finalize the progress of getting Light of Hope Shelter registered with the local government over there in their town of Severodvinsk, Russia. We have been praying about planting Light of Hope Shelter there for a couple of years! God answered our prayer this year! Hallelujah! About two months ago Konstantin started working with teens at risk teaching them the Truth of the Bible, feeding them good food, doing sports and music cafe projects. Praise the Lord! 
We have also been thinking and praying for three years now about starting Light of Hope Shelter for the street kids in Cherkessk where Garik and Tanya are pastoring their church. I have been encouraging and training Garik to teach through the Bible and work with kids at risk for more than 8 years! Last year he shared with Olga and I that Tanya and him and their church are ready to plant Light of Hope Shelter in Cherkessk. We prayed long and hard about this decision and in April Garik is going to visit Victor and Konstantin in Severodvinsk to discuss the steps he needs to make in order to fulfill the Lord's task in Cherkessk, the Caucasus region! We all felt the Lord confirm that He wants us to grow and expand this vision wherever we are. All of us have decided to follow Jesus, move in to town, work on the soil, lay the foundation and build a safe place for people to come and get good food, extravagant love, tender care, God's grace and salvation. This ministry is all about Jesus! All ICM (Russia) associates and partners have been faithfully working hard on laying a strong foundation to build this safe place for people in their communities. Needless to say although such a beautiful ministry, it has been a little stretching for me and Olga, Garik and Tanya, Alex and Luba, Victor and Luba, Konstantin and Luda, Abner and Irene, Andrey and Svetlana, Olga, Nate and Svetlana to be living this beautiful Christian lifestyle! Please, please, please pray for us as we go in Jesus name and proclaim the Truth of the Kingdom to every creature, every denomination, every church throughout this cold country! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, our continued, faithful supporters that make it possible for us to continue in the ministry!!!!!!!!!!