Serving Jesus in America, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Africa, India and to the ends of the Earth... this is a blog of our family life, ministry experiences, and thoughts relating to ministry Jesus called us in to... "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Dearest Friends and Partners in Jesus!!!!!!
We send you this message to say: "Merry Christmas!" and "Thank you!" for your fervent prayers and massive support! Without your prayers we won't be able to:
May the Lord God make your paths straight in 2011, give you lots of love and joy! May your faithfulness, holiness, and gentleness be known with God and His people! May His love be revealed unto those around you as they see you love God whom you don't see and the neighbor who you do see!!
We send you this message to say: "Merry Christmas!" and "Thank you!" for your fervent prayers and massive support! Without your prayers we won't be able to:
- work in 3 countries
- train more than 900 students through the Inductive Bible Study Courses
- remodel Light of Hope Shelter for the street children
- etc.
All glory is to the Lord Jesus Christ!
We have "heard a great voice of many people in heaven, saying,
Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God!"
Revelation 19:1
We have "heard a great voice of many people in heaven, saying,
Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God!"
Revelation 19:1
May the year of 2011 bring us closer to God and to one another!
Very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you all!
In His joy,
Igor and Olga Prokopyev
In His joy,
Igor and Olga Prokopyev
Monday, December 13, 2010
This October Alexey was blessed to go teach another seminar in the Priluki, Ukraine. Two churches came together to learn how to study God’s Word inductively; Calvary Chapel Priluki, pastored by Vlad Romanenko, and the Salvation Church, pastored by Vladimir Ishchenko. About 100 people came and listened to the Word. He also had the privilege to lead a seminar in a prison. During the trip there was a strong presence of the Lord. People were sincerely interested in learning the Word and were very inspired. Here's what some of them wrote it in their reviews.
All the services were great! Everything was clear and understandable. Thank you. God's blessings.
I liked the workshops. I really received a lot. I realized that I had read the Wordmany times and never noticed the simple plan of God. I received answers to questions that I had often asked God and received confirmation. God bless you.
Warsaw, Natalia.
I express great gratitude to God for these Seminars. They inspired me to further study the Bible and serve people.
Alex Malyshenko.
I really like the inductive method of studying Scripture. This Bible study method is captivating and makes you want to read more and more. Thank God for Intensive Care Ministries! I will pray for you.
Dima Balbuh.
I received a lot of useful information and I think this is a very important and necessary ministry. I only have one thing to say, that these lessons are designed for more mature Christians. It might be good try to keep in mind people who have only recently come to the Lord.
Thank you ICM for this seminar. I think that they are high level, but more importantly still in an accessible form. I have only started reading the Bible recently and liked that brother Alexey did not climb to deep into the jungle and interpretation was provided at an understandable level. I have been assured that the Bible is not just redundant, but an interesting book.
Elena Ponomar
It is our goal at ICM Russia to let everyone meet their Lord through His Word, and to become hungry for more and more of Him. We believe that it is through the simple ministry of the Word that people will be transformed in the renewing of their minds and be able to test and approve God's good, pleasing, and perfect will. As people fellowship with God through solid Bible study, they will grow closer and closer to Him, come to know Him more and more, and, as the Holy Spirit empowers the scriptures, they will come alive in the hearts of believers causing fountains of living water to come flowing out of them. Thank you for joining us in our ministry. Please continue to minister with us as we continue to train people how to use the precious and mighty spiritual weapon they have been given.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
This seminar was very timely and needed for me. The correct picture of the puzzle began to take shape in a more accurate, vivid, and understandable way. I was able to see God’s message and understand the meaning that God wanted to convey to us. The key now is to go home and practice it. This will be a real help in my future ministry. I will definitely us this at home, in home groups, and in church. The Word of God has become much clearer, more consistent, and closer to my heart! Thank you, for your necessary ministry! Let our God anoint you even more. God bless you!
Nicholas Tregubetsky.
I learned a lot from the seminar about how to study the Bible, but most importantly I learned how to teach Biblical truths to others. It was a huge blessing to learn this method. It gave me a fresh look on many things. I like that in class we were encouraged to dig in and do a complete study of the Scriptures, causing us to think and strive ourselves to learn from the Word.
Sergei Zaitsev.
Thank you! This was a great blessing! The Word of God was opened to the fullness. I love how the Bible explains itself and how it keeps you from going away from the Truth, to one side or the other.
Ivan Girbasov.
Thanks for your seminars! This is a very useful and necessary course, encouraging Christians to study the Scriptures, showing how to conduct this study in a home group and helping us to correctly teach the Word of God. I am definitely going to put what I have learned here into practice.
Sergei Hlusevich.
This course has helped me to read the Word of God in a different way and understand what it says. Before this workshop I had never tried to divide the text into parts. Now I see great need of this method of study and how it can be applied to my future ministry.
Alexander Shustov.
Thank you! Your seminars are really necessary for a lot of Christians; they will help many to better understand the Word of God. What I have learned here will help to lead home groups, prepare for a sermon, to apply the Word my life. I especially like learning about the different genres of the books of the Bible, previously I didn’t give that much value. I have become firmly convinced of the need to consistently study the Bible inductively.
Andrei Lebedev.
This workshop was a great blessing to me. I found it very interesting and informative. I believe that the methodology and knowledge gained during this course will give good results in the lives of many who are getting ready to serve. And most importantly - I found an effective way to study Scripture, and a great desire to know the Lord.
Andrew Gerovsky.
This seminar on "Fundamentals of Inductive Bible study" has given me everything necessary to prepare a high-quality sermon, the ability to see the relationship that books, chapters and verses have to each other, as well as the relationship between the Old and New Testament. It is great to see how the Bible explains itself as you research it. This is what I got, and I will use it always!
Yuri Reznichenko.
The seminar gave me a lot. Before today I did not know how to study the Bible and sometimes the Bible seemed boring and not interesting because of the fact that I did not always understand it. Now my approach to studying the Bible has changed. A desire to study the Word has appeared in my heart, and the fear of not understanding has left. I have a desire to teach people how to study the Word of God. Thank God that I attended this workshop.
Elena Kurakova.
I am glad that this teaching of a coherent study method of the Bible was brought to our seminary. This brought a foundation for a deeper and clearer understanding of God's word, which is just what I lacked. I could not get enough! I thank God and thank the people who participate in this ministry that helps us to look at the word of God in a different way. Thank you!
Cyril Zhuikov.
That thanks can be extended to all of you that pray and support us in our ministry at ICM Russia! Thank you for providing the possibility to give people this crucial knowledge. Imagine not being able to study the Bible and being bored because the Living Word is not living in your life. Many people in Russia and the world are in this position and it is our goal at Intensive Care Ministries to meet this intense need. Please continue to pray for us and as the Lord leads support us in our ministry.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This year they Irish guys were able to come early and spend a few days in Severdvinsk. It was a blessed time of

This year it was also a special treat to have an additional group of Irish come and join us for the tail end of the seminar and then continue with us to Cherepevets to minister to the Vologda region, all together there where something like 15 Irish men and women.

Andria and Stevy fellowshiping with their Russian brother.

So many people to translate for, translators started translating translators.

When the Irish team came the room filled up quite a bit.

The crazy Irish sure get excited about Jesus! We loved it!
Click here to see more pictures :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Reaching the Lost in Kirilov

The first place we went to was a small village

In Kirilov we walked around the town and parks, trying to catch people with the gospel. One afternoon, Sveta and Nate were able to invite a group of teens to our evening church service. We started the service with our testimonies and after we were done with our stories the Lord spoke to my heart to share Rev. 21:7-8. The love of Christ hit the church. The kids realized that unless they pray Jesus into their hearts they won't be able to come in to the Kingdom of God. At the end of the service they gave their lives to Jesus. Please keep these kids in prayer, they know the gospel, but we dont know if they prayed Jesus into their hearts sincerely. Yura and Nate also had the great pleasure of spending a good hour or so with a man from Cherepovets talking about salvation. They told their testimonies and some parables, explaining their truths. At first he was quite closed off, but it did not take long till he was all ears. He and his girlfriend prayed Jesus into their hearts. There was an instant change in his eyes. I continually

Over all we estimate more than 20 people prayed Jesus into their hearts. It was a great time. Please keep the souls of those that heard the gospel in prayer, and those that prayed that the Lord would change and direct their lives from this day forth. Pray that this would be the beginning of their new lives in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Evangelizing the Streets of Cherepovets

Russia is hard ground and it is weird to see how people can be so afraid when you come up to them with a smile and try to start a conversation. But this is all the more reason why we need to preach the good news to the lost and dying. We are going out into the worst part of Cherepovets. Though it is not uncommon to see drunk people walking around in all parts of Cherepovets, it is uncommon not to see several walking around at all hours of the day in this section of town. Here is where all the poor, drug abusers, alcoholics, and criminals live, Jesus’ kind of people! There are times when we wonder if what we are doing is worth it, but then we think about how every sound of every step we make carrying the gospel, and every word of the gospel that we speak, is a beautiful sound in the ears of the Lord. It is a great pleasure to know that we are fulfilling the calling of our Lord and that He is pleased in what we are doing, as we are completing the great commission of Jesus. I, and the entire ICM-Russia team, believe that starting here in Cherepovets we will be able to carry the gospel into all of the Vologda region, into all of Russia, and beyond!
Join us. Just as the Lord takes pleasure in the sound of our feet and the words of our mouth, the sound of your prayers are a sweet incense that the Lord longs to smell. Join us in our mission in prayer and fasting. The Lord loves to see His body of Christ working in unity, and will listen to every prayer. Thank you for your prayer and your support, we couldn’t do this without it!

Home Groups

As you remember I asked you to pray for Abner for he had started teaching a home-group study, and later on as the group outgrew the apartment he decided it would be a good idea to have two home-groups going at the same time so that people do not have to travel so far. So, Abner discussed this idea with the board and we agreed to ask Nate to help Abner grow the church. Now Nate and Abner have both been teaching a home group on Thursdays. Nate leads one, with the help of Sveta, by the way , she is doing a great job translating for Nate. Abner leads the other one at Olga’s apartment. They have been going through the book of Revelation. It has been a blast!!!!! It is rather difficult for people, since it seems like no one is willing to touch the book here in Russia. People are really confused about prophecy and how it fits in the life of believers. But these guys are trucking through and people are getting it.

It is a huge blessing to see people learning more about who Jesus is. The more they know Jesus, the closer they will become, and hopefully, the more they will love Him. Nate loves teaching the Word, and he thanks the Lord for this opportunity to serve Him and minister to His people. Next he would like to start teaching more people how to study the Bible. People need to grow in Jesus personally if they are to really become close to Jesus and walk strongly in the Spirit.

- Please join us in praying for the group of people that gather at Nate's apartment and Olga's apartment every Thursday, that their hearts would be open to and affected by the Lord.
- Pray Nate and Abner would have the wisdom and understanding to lead the study in such that people are led to Jesus, not just the knowledge of Him.
- Pray that Nate and Abner would be able to teach people how to study the Word and raise up more strong believers and ministers.
- Pray for the strong presence of the Lord and His Spirit during our studies.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Camping With Street Kids
Greetings in Jesus' Name!!!! This summer was the best summer we have ever had in Cherepovets for the last decade! The temperatures were real high! We were in prayer one day and the Lord laid it on our hearts to go on a backpack camping trip with our shelter youth.
It was a super great opportunity for the young adults to have some quality time with the Lord as we led them in worship and the Bible! It was aimed at young adults. We divided them up and had two small discussion groups that participated in Bible studies during the trip. Nikita was a leader of the first group and Olessya was the head of the second team. I truly believe both of them may be leadership material and I want them to be a part of as much as possible. Please pray for them to become servants of the Lord. God has His hand on both of them. These could be the future of the church in Cherepovets. And we praise the Lord for all He is doing in our midst!!!

The Lord blessed us with all we needed to go on a trip. Thank you all who have been sowing the seed into ICM Russia all these years! Please keep on doing that... ICM Russia is a good soil to sow the seed into! We were tremendously blessed as were worshiping the Lord, fixing the tents, building the fire, cooking food, and teaching the Word of God!
The Lord blessed us with all we needed to go on a trip. Thank you all who have been sowing the seed into ICM Russia all these years! Please keep on doing that... ICM Russia is a good soil to sow the seed into! We were tremendously blessed as were worshiping the Lord, fixing the tents, building the fire, cooking food, and teaching the Word of God!
Monday, August 30, 2010
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