Getting to spending more time with street kids...
Every time I go to the Shelter I am blessed to see and spend time with tough kids from the streets there. Yesterday I did a Bible study and ministered to the group of youngsters who opened up and shared their fears and needs with me. My heart went out to one of the girls named Vika, her auntie Zoya lost her daughter in a car wreck and because of that she started seeing weird things and stuff of that nature. I asked Vika if we could go visit Zoya and pray for her right then; Vika and some other kids took it seriously and off we went. This gave me opportunity to train kids how to do ministry in a very practical way. This was awesome because kids got to really see me doing practical ministry in their own environment, home. This was sort of an eye opening experience for them. What really hit me was how hard these parents and relatives really are. I don’t really blame them; I can’t even imagine what they go through in life every day. This did not discourage me in the least, but impressed on me how much these folks need Jesus and how important the work that we do really is. I believe the Lord can do great things, if only we are willing to be used by him! I just hope that I am able to help instill a love for Jesus in these broken hearts and lives. I believe if both kids and their so called parents can see Jesus working in me and the rest of the team then that is when they will really be affected. I would ask that you keep these kids and their parents in prayer and for us that the Lord would do a work in our lives so we can add more to his kingdom. I desire to get more involved in the ministry!
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