Monday, December 15, 2008

Hospital/Moscow/Day 7

Cubicle 1705/Infectious Diseases Hospital/ Moscow/ Day 7
During my stay here I had some opportunities to talk to several nurses and the doctor about the Lord; looking at their faces I could tell they are lost, first, they are lost spiritually, secondly, they do not know how to treat me. They ran into the unknown. Nevertheless, they are so atheistic! Couldn’t believe my ears… they are so deep into the material world…What a country I was born in! Soviet system is smth else! We Russians were born into slavery, bondage, and prison we can’t smell or taste, or touch; it is a prison for our minds. The system was invented to blind us from the truth and make us slaves. Because we live in a slave community, many of us are not ready to be unplugged and set free. Some of us are so inert and some of us are so hopelessly dependant on the system that we are ready to fight to protect it. Slavery started when I believed that the system is strong and I am weak. I then believed that the system is everything and I am nothing! It brought me to the belief that the system could easily run over me and ruin my life. The fear crept in. Out of fear, I obeyed the system, followed its rules and regulations and became a slave. Little did I know that I was wonderfully and fearfully made by the Father who is in Heaven, that He has always been by my side to watch over me, protect, cherish and grow me into His son’s image! Thank you, Lord, for freeing my mind!


Anonymous said...

Говорю, список продуктов напиши! Щетка есть зубная и все такое? Адрес дай и завтра курьер все привезет, держись, братко, подмога с воздуха (с Неба) близко! - Сергей

Anonymous said...

We are part of Troy and Jens support team in California and wish you a very speedy recovery. My God bless and heal you.