Serving Jesus in America, Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Africa, India and to the ends of the Earth... this is a blog of our family life, ministry experiences, and thoughts relating to ministry Jesus called us in to... "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you..."
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Dear Co-laborer in Christ!
Glory to Jesus Christ forever! Olga and I greet you in His All-Powerful Name!
From Moscow to Belfast and from Cherepovets to Severodvinsk, and from Vologda to California we like Philip the Evangelist and Minister of the Word, have been following the Spirit of God who was saying to us "Go up and join this chariot!"
So, ICM of Russia Crew and JVC Team joined the "chariot" of the Good News Church and Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets where we encouraged and equipped the saints for the work of service! I can attest to the presence of God in the services ministering to the saints of the church. Lives were changed while others were healed. We praise Jesus with no ceasing for that! God is awesome! His Word is mighty to change lives and heal souls!
Afterward, we found ourselves sitting in the "chariot" of Light of Hope Fellowship in Anisimovo and then Transformation Church of Vologda holding meetings and equipping the saints for the work of ministry there. People of God were encouraged and refreshed by the Word of Life!
From there the Spirit led us to the "chariot" of Heart2Heart Church, Severodvinsk where we spent a week together with 20 ministers who wanted to learn how to do Inductive Bible Study Seminars all over Archangelsk Region, Russia. As a result, 5 of them passed the test and are ready to go and hold IBS Training Seminars in their communities.
From there the Spirit brought us over to the States to meet with ICM of Russia Support Group and share ICM of Russia vision for 2013 with churches here and individuals! Also we are going to teach IBS seminars here in the United States and train and equip the saints with the Inductibve Bible Study tools so that they can teach faithful men in their congregations.
ICM of Russia Crew (Abner, Nelly, Nate, etc) just joined a "chariot" of City Orphanage 1 to celebrate kids' birthdays! It was an awesome time with our children! Jesus came to the Cafe and ministered to the children in a mighty way! The Cafe we had birthday celebration at, provided for everyone who came to the party with lots of yummy food! ICM of Russia Team spoke the blessing into kids' lives, prayed over them, shared from the Word and gave kids the gifts. Nate had lots of fun taking bunch of pictures during the project! Abner and Nate will upload pictures to our web page shortly!
This fall ICM of Russia has been serving in various churches located thoughout of Russia and Ireland feeding the faithful, teaching the Word, and equipping the saints with IBS tools so that they can lift up their eyes to Jesus and understand His Word and fullfil the Great Commission Jesus has given to them. The Commission that will take Olga and I to Virginia, USA and the Phillipines together with missionaries Lyford and Martha Morris in 2013.
Please pray for Olga and I and ICM of Russia. Would you consider sending an extraordinary love-gift this month to help us in this all important work? This coming March I will turn 49. It has been 20+ years since God sovereignly and graciously called and empowered Olga and I to be His witnesses to the nations! Amazing God is faithful!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Pastor Andrey who had been teaching Inductive Bible Study (IBS) seminars for a while teamed up with me and traveled to Severodvinsk to teach ministers who signed up for IBS Teacher's Seminar. Pastor Konstantine, since he has been teaching the Bible inductively at Heart to Heart Church came alongside and tought some of the assignments encouraging the participants to get ready to conduct IBS seminars throughout the Archangelsk Region. Four days of the seminar went just fabulous! We had a great time with our brothers and sisters in the Lord!. By the last day of the seminar we saw how 5 out 20 can teach an IBS seminar (Level 1) even now and 5 more guys are on the way! We came back to Cherepovets all encouraged and refreshed!
Thank you to all who sent the support and prayed for us as we were doing missions work in Russia this time!!!
This past month Olga and I were tremendously blessed to experience one of the best missions outreaches ever! The team the Lord put together was amazing! There were six people from JVC Northern Ireland, one sister came from Word of Life Church of Kirov, one from Transformation Church of Vologda and a couple of pastors from Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets as well as Olga and me. We could not have asked for a more cohesive group of people! Every day was a new adventure as the Lord was talking to us about His plans for that particular day... because that is the way He operates! Almost a year ago the Lord laid it on my heart to host a tree day conference in Cherepovets, Russia where people would come and taste the goodness of our Lord. We invited all the churches to come together and participate in "Celebrating the Life of Christ" Conference. More than 150 people attended the services each and every day. Our team was focused on serving the Word of God and praying for people and leading them to the Rock of our salvation. Pastors of different churches and their wives attended the conference and really enjoyed the presence of God as His powerful Word had been preached! A lot of people rededicated their lives to Jesus, some of the participants confessed their sins and believed in the Gospel afresh. That first week was real full, we all worked really hard and had a great great time serving people of God together! It was huge blessing for me to watch each of the team member teach the Word, pray with people and see the people respond and very often in tears of repentance or joy! For that, we praise the Lord! On Sunday Olga and I divided the team into three groups and sent them to serve three different towns where our ICM of Russia partners pastor their churches. We are blessed to receive letters, emails and facebook messages about how blessed the people became in Vologda, Cherepovets, Belozersk and Kirillov. It was a long long Sunday but every one of us had an awesome time!!!!!
After we were done ministring there in Cherepovets, Vologda, Belozersk and Kirillov we as a team traveled to Moscow to hold our annual ICM of Russia Forum 2012. More than 30 pastors, worship leaders, children ministers and their wives came to spent three days in the Word of God, prayer, and fellowship. The church leaders we have ministered to, have so much in common; they love the Lord, they love God's Word, they adore people of God and they want to know and understand God's will for their lives and walk daily in His presence! Everyone of us realize that we need to work on our ministries from a Biblical perspective rather than just cultural, but how do you break away from decades if not centuries of Russian Orthodox Church dominance? The answer is with God's Word and the power of the Holy Spirit! By the last day of the Forum we saw pastors being encouraged and renewed and refreshed to teach through the Bible in their churches and bring life of Christ as they serve people in their communities. The Word convicted and encouraged many to reconsider and keep up with good works in the Kingdom of God. We praise the Lord that His Word doesn't return void and He is faithful to complete that which He has begun!
After we were done ministering there in Moscow, Olga and I came back to Cherepovets to do some work at the Light of Hope Street Children's Shelter and Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets where we were able to bless the ministry with the funds and encourage ICM of Russia friends and partners to replace the old windows at the shelter. It is a huge project but it is a working progress! Praise the Lord! We were able to buy a new laptop and fix an older machine so that kids can learn to use computers to do their homework and play educational computer games. Kids really enjoy coming to the shelter to get some physical and spiritual food, computer and social skills. Olga and I were very blessed to see how God is using Tatyana and Abner and Nelly as they serve the Lord and street kids who come to the shelter on a regular basis.
Dear Ministry Partners and Friends!
Olga and I would like to thank all of you for your prayerful and financial support you sent our way as we were getting ready for the missions trip to Northern Ireland and Russia. We can testify today God had heard and answered all your prayers! Jesus is too awesome!! Olga and I were blessed with warm fall weather and warm greetings from friends, family, and neighbors and new faces from different places we hit while we were in Ireland and Russia.
Northern Ireland gleamed with all the love and the glory of our Lord administered by our precious brothers and sisters in the Lord at JVC! As soon as we entered the church pastors and friends greeted us with hugs and kisses. The day was tremendously blessed! Wow! Thank you to all who prayed for the trip! Those who contributed from their precious resourses and pockets, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! We were blessed!!! Also to all our friends in Ireland who tirelessly poured out their energy and strength in hosting us and doing the ministry together both in Ireland and Russia.... thank you for being like Jesus!!!!
Praising the Lord for salvation that took place at church where we served that Sunday morning. Mr. Tyler, a friend of mine and a dear brother in the Lord who came to us in California for training and discipleship went on a trip to Ireland with us. On Sunday he shared his story about what God had done for him throgh ICM. God is my witness, it was powerful! The Lord used Tyler to prepare the hearts of men that morning to receive the Word of God willingly! My Irish friends just fell in love with the guy and invited him back next year. The Lord blessed me with a great message from the book of Luke and I delivered it in the power of the Holy Spirit, praise God. This one gentlemen by the name of Robert came out to pray Jesus into his heart that morning. It happened to be that he was my friend Adam's father. We all wept, sheding the tear of joy! Jesus saves!!!!!!
Also Olga and I were invited to the wedding and it was my joy and privilege to pray the blessing over that beautiful couple! It was a great service! Pastor Lewis preached a great sermon and blessed all of us at the wedding! We also did a mid week service there at JVC and were tremendously blessed by what God had done at the service. We just love this beautiful church!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Olga and I are
off on another journey heading to Russia this coming Sunday and then
Ireland on September 5. It is going to be a great time of ministry over
there! It will start on September 5 and will run through September 12. We are
so excited to see everyone at JVC church, pastors and leaders who work
hard to grow the Kingdom in the UK, India, Russia and to the ends of the
Olga and I will fly back to Moscow on September 12. On September 14-16 our partners and close friends from JVC, Ireland will join us and travel to Cherepovets, Belozersk, Vologda and Kirillov to bring the Word to the saints over there. It is going to be an awesome time we are about to spend together this year! Usually as we get together, the Father in Heaven comes to us in His power and might powerfully!
Please pray for our ICM of Russia Missions Forum 2012. Pray for protection and good health! We would like to thank you all for your prayers and financial support you send our way every month! It is so vital to do what Jesus desires to accomplish. It is a great cause to believe in and support!
Love you loads!
Igor and Olga
ICM of Russia
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Добрый вечер [dobri vecher] That is good evening in Russian! How are you all doing, our dear friends!
Our Vision is to help heal through the Word of God |
For the last couple of months Olga and I have seen much of it in the ministry! We look at what the Lord is doing and has accomplished through ICM of Russia Crew in different parts of the world and we rejoice! God is using guys from both younger and older generation! For that, we praise God!
is growing into a great pastor and is very solid in his faith and the Word! Now he is much involved with Light of Hope Shelter organizing
outreaches in our community.
Nate and Sveta have been taking good care of the home Bible
study Olga and I started long time ago in Cherepovets. In Russia Nate and Sveta travel to churches and teach IBS seminars. Now they are traveling throughout the United States and doing some work of the ministry there!
Alex Alexandroff is teaching and taking care of the group while Nate and I are gone. There is much prayer going on, worship and the studying of God's Word are there at the study!
Andre is doing a great job leading a group of believers in the village of Anisimovo where Olga was born and raised! The results were many grew up in the Lord!
It is just a great joy to watch Abner, Andre, Nate, Alex praying for salvation, healings, and the needs of the people. That's FRUIT!
Alex Alexandroff is teaching and taking care of the group while Nate and I are gone. There is much prayer going on, worship and the studying of God's Word are there at the study!
Andre is doing a great job leading a group of believers in the village of Anisimovo where Olga was born and raised! The results were many grew up in the Lord!
It is just a great joy to watch Abner, Andre, Nate, Alex praying for salvation, healings, and the needs of the people. That's FRUIT!
Gary says: "With the body like mine who needs hair? :o) |
Fruit for the Kingdom! It is a blessing to see the work of the Holy Spirit through each and every one of us in the ministry! We give God all the glory for it is His work! We love you all and may God bless you!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Hello Everyone!
About 10 kids stood up to give their lives to Jesus! Olga really enjoyed the atmosphere of God's love and His presence at the camp! I totally enjoyed the kids! After the service the councellors got the fire going and we had some one on one time with some of the kids.
They thanked us for coming, giving the message, and praying with them! Olga and I got very blessed by what God was doing in the kids hearts on that day!
Also please note on our web site, we are now set up to receive secure online
donations through PayPal.
Several people have asked if we were going to do this so here it is!
Another great month of ministry!!!!!!! Olga and I stateside working out of ICM home office as well as travelling and
This month we were invited to Calvary Summer Camp where Olga and I had a great opportunity to serve the youth! We had an awesome time with the kids there. The Lord laid it on my heart to preach the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the service.
About 10 kids stood up to give their lives to Jesus! Olga really enjoyed the atmosphere of God's love and His presence at the camp! I totally enjoyed the kids! After the service the councellors got the fire going and we had some one on one time with some of the kids.
They thanked us for coming, giving the message, and praying with them! Olga and I got very blessed by what God was doing in the kids hearts on that day!
Also Olga taught them to say HI and GOODBYE in Russian! All of us enjoyed the presence of the Almighty God who came to save us!!!!!
Several people have asked if we were going to do this so here it is!
We covet your prayers, our dear friends and partners! Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting this ministry!!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2012
"Seek from the Book of the Lord, and read: Not one of these will be missing... for His mouth has commended and His Spirit has gathered them [the nations]" - Isa.34:16
Please continue to follow Jesus by praying and supporting our ministry at whatever cost! Please help us move around the world to train pastors, leaders and believers how to study and teach through the Bible!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Dear ministry partners, friends and family,
This post was written by Nelly who works at our Light of Hope Shelter in Cherepovets. She is a very kind person, loves the Lord dearly, and constantly preaches the Gospel to the lost! She sets our hearts on fire as she shares about the work in Cherepovets! As you may remember, at the Shelter we are committed to building God's Kingdom through three main values we cultivate in our ministry: (1) win the lost, (2) give Jesus to the street kids and their parents, (3) care for the poor and needy. Happy readings and thank you for your monthly support, both spiritually and financially you are sending to us!
In Him,
Igor and Olga Prokopyev, ICM of Russia Directors
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Dear and beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, shalom to you! So sorry we are scattered all around the world and we have no chance to see you all in person, but from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to express our appriciation for your massive support you have been sending to Light of Hope Shelter through ICM of Russia, Igor and Olga Prokopyev.
I thank the Lord for such a great loving family! You bless our hearts in abundance! For that, we thank you! With great joy, I would like to share my heart and what has been happening here in Cherepovets at Light of Hope Shelter for the last couple of months!
Presently, Tanya, Olga, Abner, and myself are ministering to muslim families that came to Cherepovets recently hoping they can find jobs and provide for their children. In this economy it is very very hard to find a job and on top of that, families from Uzbekistan, Takzhikistan can hardly speak Russian. Their children sometimes can speak better Russian than the parents do.
And as a result of that, God keeps us busy serving the kids and their parents, some of them came over to check on us. We were obidient and allowed Jesus to shine His light through us and win some muslim hearts. For that, we praise the Lord!
Today Igor and Olga and Olga Petrushova and all of us are very happy to see Tanya being involved with the Shelter! Igor and Olga were able to raise some money for Tanya; monthly she gets a little bit to support her family. For all of us, it is a huge miracle! Tanya had been trying to find a job for a while and was hurting financially for months. After she got involed with us, God provided for her with some funds to live on, she also takes side jobs on a weekly basis. We thank Jesus with no ceasing for taking good care of us!!!
Our brother Abner and his wife Ira have been effectively laboring for the Kingdom leading Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets and doing Bible studies with street children at the Shelter.
Abner and Ira have been involved with ICM training seminars and Light of Hope Shelter work from the very begining! The Lord recently blessed them with a bigger apartment, they just moved in a few weeks ago.
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Therefore, the kids ended up in the streets begging and doing plastic bottle and can recycling. We found kids hungry and thirsty and begging for money in the city streets. We invite the children to the Shelter where we blessed them with bath, food, and clothes. They fell in love with us and the facility and started coming to the apartment every day. We served them with great joy developing close friendships.
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All our meetings, classes, services are held in the apartment that Pastor Lewis and JVC of Northern Ireland bought for us for that cause. Thank you guys! You have a big heart for missions! God loves that!!!!! Presently more than 40 kids get help in the Shelter!
Kids come and we hold Bible studies, classes, lessons for them. Some parents participate in our programs today. We are so blessed to watch God working in their hearts. It is amazing to see how some kids just started to attend gatherings and from the start they had a desire to actively participate in Bible studies, classes and lessons. We have so much fun with the children who are hungry to learn about Jesus and matters of life.
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During this last year the Lord blessed us with a new crew member, her name is Tanya, she is this one faithful sister from our Light of Hope Church in Cherepovets. A couple of years ago Abner baptized her in water and 6 month later Tanya told us about her strong desire to be involved in our work. We decided to wait on the Lord and let Tanya grow in Christ and develop personal friendship with the Lord.
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Our brother Abner and his wife Ira have been effectively laboring for the Kingdom leading Light of Hope Church of Cherepovets and doing Bible studies with street children at the Shelter.
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We are so blessed to see the hand of God upon each and everyone of us in the ministry! Thank you again for your prayerful and financial support!
Nelly Borisova Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Olga and I just got a praise report from ICM of Russia Crew! In the month of May Abner, Alex, Sveta and Nate were
able to go to a Calvary Chapel Leaders’ Conference in St.Petersburg, Russia The
conference was held in a resort not far outside the city. Pastor Ken Ortiz and
Pastor Manny came from America to lead Christian workers through parts of Deuteronomy.
The guys were blessed with the Word of God preached in the power of the Holy Spirit! They also
heard from a pastor from Finland named Anti. It was a great time of
encouragement in the teaching of God’s Word!
Nate and Sveta also led a one hour session to give the participants an overview
of what we do at our Inductive Bible Study seminars. Several people, Nate said came and
were encouraged by the short introduction. He also mentioned that they did not get any contacts... but Olga and I want to continue sending ICM of Russia Crew members to these conferences to build relationships with national pastors.
Abner got the word at the conference that confirmed what God had been speaking to all of us in the ministry thru the years to raise men, equip and train leaders in the church. Alex, Nate, Sveta, and Abner were tremendously encouraged
by the teaching to continue in our ministry and teach seminars all over the place in Russia and to the ends of the Earth. There is a big
need for trained Bible teachers in the church today!
Please join us in prayer for national pastors, leaders and Christian workers as we equip, train and send them out to advance the Kingdom of God!
Thank you, our dearest partners, friends and loved ones for all your love-gifts you sent our way this month! We appreciate your help and big hearts for missions!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, our dearest partners, friends and loved ones for all your love-gifts you sent our way this month! We appreciate your help and big hearts for missions!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Last time Olga and I spoke at this church was about 4 years ago; this was our first time in almost 4 years we were able to come and serve to the saints. It was so encouraging to see all the changes God had brought to the church within all these years! Pastor John called me asking if we would be open to come and speak at his church. I praise God for John and his big open heart for missions.
So, we are going to spend some time in the area serving couples, meeting with people and encouraging them to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It’s a great priviledge to follow Jesus and influence peoples lives as He leads us around the world. What a great honor it is to serve our risen Lord and Savior! We just love it!!!!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
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