On Sunday Alex, Peter and I traveled to Boma by “dolla-dolla” bus which is the cheapest way of moving around in Tanzania. It was so fun to ride a “dolla-dolla” bus because we have such buses in Russia as well; we call them “marshrutka”. We enjoyed the ride for 10 minutes and all of a sudden, we stopped in the middle of nowhere, very soon we found out that “dolla-dolla” bus broke down on us! What a bummer! We were asked to come to church on time because I was teaching. I decided to do what we usually do in a situation like this in Russia: let’s flag down a car!!! And it did work for us! Hallelujah! An older gentleman stopped and picked us up; we traveled to Boma in a very nice vehicle. Hallelujah! We got off at a bus stop in Boma and the driver didn’t even charge us! Thank you, Lord! About five minutes later a brother from the church showed up and took us to the site. The minute we stepped in to the church, we felt like at home! The place was packed and worship was upbeat and lively! The heavens above opened up and it was pouring down on us… the Holy Spirit presence fell and filled up the place! Alex turned to me and said he was going to dance like he had never done before. Hahaha! Oh my! You should see him dancing! My supporting crew was right on!!! Peter was amazing – he translated for me from English into Swahili, took good care of us letting people around know that we are not bunch of rich white folks from the West! At the service I spoke from the book of James and chapter one. That was one easy service about 3-4 hrs overall, people there were really receptive helping me with bunch of hallelujahs and amen! After the service we were surrounded by the most beautiful kids I have ever seen in my life! They were cute! Alex and I took lots of Russian candies on the trip; we passed them on to the kids praising the Lord for this opportunity to make this trip to Boma. On the way back we had amazing views of the mountains! It was so close and surreal!